An Agreement Crossword Clue

When it comes to solving crossword puzzles, one of the most challenging aspects can be deciphering clues related to agreements. There are a few different words and phrases commonly used in crossword puzzles to reference agreements, and learning these can help you solve these types of clues quickly and efficiently.

One of the most common phrases used in crossword puzzles to reference an agreement is “pact.” This four-letter word refers to a formal agreement or treaty between two or more parties. It`s often used in puzzles where the answer involves a legal contract or international peace agreement.

Another word used to reference an agreement is “accord.” This six-letter word refers to a formal agreement between two or more parties, similar to a pact. It`s commonly used in crossword puzzles related to diplomacy, peace agreements, and international relations.

If you come across a crossword clue referencing a “treaty,” chances are the answer is related to an agreement. A treaty is a formal agreement between two or more countries, often related to peace, trade, or international law. This is a common clue in puzzles related to politics or world events.

“Compact” is another five-letter word commonly used in crossword puzzles to reference an agreement. A compact is a formal agreement between two or more parties, similar to a pact or accord. It can also refer to a small, space-saving design or a densely packed substance.

Finally, if you see a crossword clue referencing a “concurrence,” it`s likely related to an agreement. A concurrence is a formal agreement or coincidence between two or more things. This is often used in puzzles related to events or circumstances that are closely related or happen simultaneously.

In conclusion, understanding the different words and phrases commonly used in crossword puzzles to reference agreements can help you solve these types of clues more efficiently. By knowing the meanings of words like pact, accord, treaty, compact, and concurrence, you`ll have a better chance of cracking these challenging clues. Happy solving!